Thursday, March 1, 2012

WA: Judge fines egg throwing East Timorese protester

AAP General News (Australia)
WA: Judge fines egg throwing East Timorese protester

By Andrea Mayes

PERTH, April 23 AAP - A Perth magistrate today fined an East Timorese demonstrator for
throwing an egg at the Indonesian consulate, saying it was in the public interest to ensure
protests in Australia were kept peaceful.

Magistrate Con Zempilas told 36-year-old Gil Afonso his actions could have inflamed the
crowd and led to it getting out of control.

"We honour peaceful demonstrations here," he said.

Mr Zempilas fined Mr Afonso $150 and recorded a conviction against him.

Mr Afonso was part of a rowdy demonstration outside the Indonesian consulate on Monday
during which protesters scuffled with police and the Indonesian flag was ripped from its

He was also carrying two tomatoes when he was arrested by police.

"It was only two tomatoes but these things can escalate and get rapidly out of hand," Mr
Zempilas said.

Mr Afonso's lawyer Robert Worthington told the court Afonso had been very upset on the day
of the protest after failing to get through on the telephone to his brother in East Timor.

The day before his brother had told him that his house was surrounded by militias and he
feared for his life.

"Naturally enough, this would affect the mental health of anyone," said Mr Worthington, who
had earlier tried to get the charges dropped.

However, Magistrate Con Zempilas said it was important to maintain Australia's reputation
for peaceful protests.

Mr Worthington read out a speech in court made to the Irish parliament by Irish Foreign
Minister David Andrews, describing his visit to East Timor last week.

In it Mr Andrews described being "shocked and horrified" by what he had seen in Dili and
said the military was taking no action to protect the lives and property of citizens.

Outside the court, Mr Afonso said he was very worried about his family in Dili, including
two brothers and three sisters.

He said his grandfather had given his life to save Australian troops in East Timor during
World War II and he believed the Australian government ought to be doing more to resolve the

A small group of East Timorese protesters gathered outside the court this morning, carrying
placards reading "Free East Timor" and "Stop the War Next Door."

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