Monday, March 12, 2012

Plumber placed on probation for threats

A Plumber who threatened his Polish neighbour has been put onprobation for six months.

Iain McClenaghan, 39, sent a letter to Tomasz Slaba telling him toleave the North-east or "face the violence".

The letter said: "You and your Polish friends leave Torry. If notthere will be bloodshed like you haven't seen since 1939.

"We will make the Warsaw ghettos look like a picnic."

McClenaghan, of 9b Balnagask Avenue, Aberdeen, previously admittedacting in a racially aggravated manner which caused or was intendedto cause alarm and distress to Mr Slaba by sending him a lettercontaining offensive, threatening and racial remarks. The offence wason October 29 last year.

The court had heard that McClenaghan told police he had been drunkand it was a prank.

Yesterday McClenaghan was put on probation with the condition heattend an anti-discriminatory awareness programme.

As he left court McClenaghan said: "I'm not a racist. I havenothing against Polish people, I work with them."

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