Friday, March 2, 2012

FBI says fugitive seen in London

BOSTON (AP) - The fugitive mobster brother of University ofMassachusetts President William Bulger was sighted in London a fewmonths ago sporting a tan and a gray goatee, the FBI said Friday.

A British businessman who had met James "Whitey" Bulger years agospotted him in September - the most reliable tip on his whereaboutsin three years, said Boston FBI spokeswoman Gail Marcinkiewicz.

The mobster, a longtime FBI informant, fled in 1995, just beforehis indictment on charges of racketeering, extortion and drugtrafficking. Bulger also has been charged since with involvement inthe murders of 21 people and is on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted list.

Since the sighting, the FBI's multiagency violent fugitive taskforce in Boston and inspectors from New Scotland Yard have scouredLondon hotels, Internet cafes and gyms in search of Bulger, and havespent hours watching department store surveillance videos,Marcinkiewicz said.

The FBI weighed possible drawbacks to releasing information aboutthe sighting - such as tipping Bulger to leave England - but in theend decided it was best to go public, Marcinkiewicz said.

"If you saturate the public with his photo, it's going to makesomeone recognize him," she said.

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