Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Cowboys slap Switzer with $75,000 fine // Jones imposes largest penalty on NFL coach

AUSTIN, Texas Barry Switzer was fined a record $75,000 Wednesdayby Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, who said his coach's arrest on agun charge brought "pain and embarrassment" to a team trying torepair its image. The fine is the largest imposed on an NFL coach.

"It's a serious and significant fine," Jones said. "I made thefine what I made it because of his role as a coach. It would havebeen different if he were a player."

Jones said Switzer's job was not in jeopardy. Switzer, whoearns an estimated $1 million a year, said he accepted the fine andthe responsibility for his actions.

"It hurts," he said. "It hurts not only financially, but muchmore than the …

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